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Food Coop 5-10-07

Food Coop Meeting 5/10/07 7:30 PM

Started 7:50p
Attending: Ann, Dave, Michelle, Ritu, Rebecca, Andrea, Randy


Formalizing a markup-Introduction and Discussion
Bulk Buy Report
Randy Report
Workshift Scheduling-assigning regular shifts
Other Farmers Report
Accessibility and Finances-Rebecca
Recipe Book

Thanks Ann for cookies

Review of last meeting
Discussion-Do we need a a fixed plan before markup?
Do we need to save for a rainy day? Getting people used to markup.
Randy would like this to be some kind of job for him.
Schedule formal review at 6 months.
This brings up other questions: Do we want to grow, do we want to keep it at a buying club,
What direction do we want to go?
Do we need a membership list? Official roles, member fee…

Andrea Proposal:
1) Might need funds for storefront, better storage here
2) In two months, start doing a markup
3) Some kind of markup

Discussion: Maybe change semantically to just be telling people about what we need and why we might need it.

Do we need to tell people
Want it to be transparent as possible.

Workshift Scheduling
New Shifts
Other possibility-Someone who can be here Sundays to be permanent contact person
Andrea will do workshift signup

Randy’s Job

Discussion-Do we need to call people each week
Don’t have time or manpower to do this

Rebecca Will Call

Bulk Buy

Rebecca Has notes about what she found out in her research, will look back and report. She also has connections with manufacturers She’ll report.

Other Farmers

Rebecca Has had conversations with other farmers

One farmer said she could give us a list.
Rebecca will get list w/ prices

Bring competition into it?