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Food Coop 4-12-09

Food Lobby regular monthly meeting convened at 4 PM. Present: Ron M (facilitator), Kathy H (notes), Lindsey, Hilary, Jessica, Jocelyn, Nicole, Lara, Lois, Jonny, Meredith, Sara. Early arrivals got beer and tangerines. Reviewed and approved agenda. Introductions all around and what veg do you want to be?

Notes from March were distributed by email. No issues.

Bulk Foods Report. Azure orders are simpler, faster, $50 minimum. Bulk room has been open for 5 weeks. Collected $1000 in investments from 30 households, much stock plus consignments are on hand. Small markup on most things, but all prices are competitive, and local/organic sources favored. Need to buy a scale. Need to address climate control. Jocelyn looking into solar fans, other options. ACTION: Ron will pursue extension of 3-month limit on bulk room use. Detailed written report in The Book from Jocelyn. Possible local honey soon.

Membership and Finance. New bookkeeping system going into effect under Sara. Average weekly farm order $275, about 25 households, about 40 regularly order every other week or more. One new member a week, lots of dropouts. Opened credit union account under CRSP. Show of hands, all generally happy with how we are doing. Detailed written report in The Book from Jocelyn. ACTION: Lois will train in fiduciary rules.

Survey. Has been in planning stages since October. Lindsey expects to distribute this week. Plans to do by email with follow up phone calls. Sara, Randy will review content. Goal 100% participation from households ordering for phase one and do households no longer ordering in phase two. Hope to compile preliminary results by May meeting. ACTION: Lindsey making it happen.

Work shifts. Ben figuring out who has departed and incorporating newbies. No exit policy yet. (Was a reason for refundable membership fee.)

Agreements. Reviewed all agreements made to date, per summary in The Book. No issues arose.

The Book. Ron has added some job descriptions recently.

Decision Making Process. At present, if you want to be involved in decisions, you have to attend meetings and come to consensus. However, once the group has an agreement, it can be revisited indefinitely, as with rejecting membership fees. Members not necessarily trained in consensus. Could we/should we have broader participation in decisions. System now is low maintenance for those merely interested in wholesome cheap food: Participation apart from work shifts is not required, and no work credit for going to meetings, doing meeting work. Better if we had more feedback from folks who do not or can not attend, thus the survey. Could delegate to a board of directors. Ron familiar with several alternate models. A leadership group is emerging naturally among those who take on extra work and attend meetings often. ACTION. Discuss management at retreat, in depth.

Retreat. Agreed a full-day (6 hours work) retreat would be helpful to look ahead at next steps. Great food and get-to-know-you exercises. Plan for July? Set date at May meeting. Retreat committee is Ron (convener), Lindsey, Jocelyn, Sara, Nicole, Jessica, Hillary. ACTION: all please review coming events for potential conflicts.

Next Meeting. May 3. Facilitator - Jocelyn, Notes - Lindsey. Not May 10 (Mothers Day). Bike Rack: Date for retreat. Adjourned at 5: 04.