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Food Coop 10-12-08

Food Coop Meeting 10/12/08 4pm

Ron (facil), Dave (notes), Amy, Alexis, Lindsey, Lara, Ann, Jocelyn,
Randy, Hunter, Eddie, Stephanie

Johnny Green Sugests Basements Space
M&A (materials and …) non-profit wants one of us to speak there
Decisionmaking and accountability proposal
Database update and future
Rebecca research survey
Lack of workers/non-attendence (cell D)
Next meeting/Next facil

Jocelyn has taken over money/order collection
Ann has been taking copies of orders and entering into database
Bug reports have been sent to dave
Wish lists for DB:
Allow people to modify this weeks order themselves
Allow access for individuals to review their orders
Dave will try to finish bug fixes and individual view pages this week

Ann’s Proposal:
These proposals are intended to improve our decision-making process
and increase our accountability and transparency.


Monthly meetings are the decision-making body of the Food Lobby.
Decisions will be made by consensus.

At each monthly meeting, we will designate a Note-taker and a
Facilitator for the next meeting. We encourage many people to take
turns getting experience in both roles.
The Note-taker is responsible for: 1) posting a reminder email to the
list before the next meeting 2) taking notes at the meeting 3) posting
the notes to the list and to the wiki page
The Facilitator is responsible for: 1) putting together an agenda for
the meeting based on posts to the list and on the wiki, and checking
in with the group about the agenda at the beginning of the meeting 2)
facilitating the meeting 3) making sure a Facilitator and Note-taker
are designated for the next meeting. 4) An appointed facilitator/note-
taker may request someone to cover their shift if schedules shift.

We will strive to assign persons responsible for implementing
proposals when needed.

For each work shift position currently listed on the wiki, we will
create a clear description of responsibilities, and add it to the
wiki. If a member of the co-op has an idea for a new position, they
should bring their idea to the next co-op meeting for approval, and
can then add it to the list of positions. (Ann volunteers to write up
drafts of these descriptions, checking in with Ben G and Ron)

Wiki page created with decisions made by coop meeting (Dave will do

All attending are in consensus to this proposal.

end proposal

Addendum - Use note-taker/facilitator roles as workshifts? For later

three weeks out of the last two months this has been a problem.
Some folks are posting to listserv asking for replacements but are not
following through.
Are the cells too large?
Can we have a sign-in list sent out to the list-serv? Is everyone even
on the listserv?
Can we split jobs out to make it more clear that everyone is needed?
Is turnover in membership too large?
Lindesy has been calling people to make sure people show up, and that
has been successful.
Have we been following up on who is ordering vs who is working?

Have sign-in sheet for workers? Use e-vite?
We have consensus on trying to use a sign-in sheet each cell shift.
Jocelyn will work with Kathy to create this sheet and start
distributing/collecting with money and order list.

Rebecca wants to survey people about their status WRT their use of the
food coop. Get suggestions to rebecca via e-mail about what to put in.
She’ll show us the draft and we’ll review approve next month.

At bulk distro we discussed using basement space for bulk distro. Will
discuss soon.

Next meeting:

Agenda items: review workshift roles/duties list from Ann etc, look at
survey of members before sending it ouit, talk about bulk storgage
location at LAEV.

Facilitator: Lara
Notes: Jocelyn