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Exit Survey

Cover letter to send to people in process/people moving out of the community when sending them the survey:

“We appreciate your interest and contribution to the USTU community and encourage you to continue to attend USTU-LAEV events. We would also like to hear more about your experience in our membership process and with the USTU community by completing this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/38M2Q3Y. Please note that the survey is anonymous, has no effect on your membership process, and you’re always welcome to contact USTU and inquire about events and potential membership at any time.

If you are:

in the interested phase: this phase has no time limit and you can continue your process at any time. If it has been a long time since you introduced yourself to the community, you may want to come to a meeting and re-introduce yourself.

in the candidate phase: this phase has a 6-month time limit. If you choose to continue the membership process more than 6 months after your greenlight interview, you may return to the interested phase and do another greenlight interview.

a provisional, full, or owner-member: there is a Returning Members Process posted at http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?Returning_Members_Process:”

When to send the survey depending where the person is in the process:

Interested: Liaison has not heard from the interested person in over 2 months and interested person has not responded to attempts to contact them, or person has stated they are no longer interested

Candidate: 6 months have passed since greenlight or candidate has expressed desire to withdraw from process

Member: sent upon move-out

Liaisons will send the survey to people who are leaving the membership process. Bienvenidos will send to members who are moving out of the community.

To view the results of the survey:

Any USTU member can log into Survey Monkey with the username:

And the same password as for the hidden wiki.

The Exit Survey was approved at the 2/16/15 community meeting for a 6-month trial. Bienvenidos will report back to the community and do a check-in in August 2015.