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Diana Leafe Christian

Diana Leaf Christian is the editor of Communities Magazine [1] and author of the book Creating a Life Together. Long time La Eco-Village acquaintance, she gave her last workshop on the weekend of August 26-27 of 2006.

More information about her at:

Workshop Overview

(1) 9:00 - 10:30 am
Overview: Starting a New Ecovillage
Definitions, time-frames & costs, number of founders, typical steps, 3
ownership structures, �structural conflict,� 6 essentials for forming
community. How thriving ecovillages are like vigorous permaculture

(2) 10:45 -12:15 pm
Decision-Making & Power Issues
Power, authority, hierarchy, authoritarianism.
Participatory decision-making, power to influence; power-over behaviors.
Agreement-seeking methods, multi-winner voting. Consensus overview. 3
requirements for consensus, 5 signs of pseudoconsensus. Crucial
relationship of financial contribution & decision-making.

12:30 � 1:30 pm Lunch

(3) 1:30 � 2:30 pm
�Permaculture Guilds� (Mutually Reinforcing Beneficial Systems):
Relationship between Mission & Purpose, Membership Process, &
Decision-Making Method
Skit: �That�s Not Community!� Sample vision, mission-purpose documents.
Vision, mission-purpose, goals, strategic plan. Vision Statement.
Relationship between shared mission/purpose, incoming membership
process, decision-making method.

(4) 2:45 � 4:00 pm
Three Common Sources of Community Conflict (& Antidotes) Magnifying
mirror effect. Rock-polisher effect. High woundedness/high willingness.
Resentment. Responsibility issues. 3 ways to help each other stay
accountable to the group. Graduated series of consequences.
Communication-style issues. Communication Agreements. Lack of trust &

(5) 4:15 � 5:00 pm
Ten Ways to Build Trust and Connection �Community glue�
Connection-building exercise.

Sunday, 8/ 27 - Los Angeles Eco-Village

(6) 9:00 - 10:30 am
Finding & Financing Property: 2 Case Histories
If you already own the property. Triple-net lease. Raw, developed,
turn-key property Cost, zoning, members, mortgage payments, jobs. 3
sources of financing. 3 ways to own property. One person buys/finances.

(7) 10:45 -12:15 pm
Financing Property, Internal Community Finances
Personal loans; Owner financing. Revolving Loan Funds. Determining the
group�s assets.
Helping less affluent members afford it
Income & expenses. Can People afford to live there? Creating a
village-scale economy.

12:30 � 1:30 pm Lunch

(8) 1:30 � 2:45 pm
Legal Entities for Owning Land Together
Individual deeds & choosing members. Checklist for legal entities.
LLCs, 501(c)3 nonprofits. Land trusts, conservation easements

(9) 3:00 � 3:45 pm
Zoning; Site Planning
How zoning works, seeking a zoning variance/special-use permit. Urban
refugee syndrome. Learning from cohousing designers.
Community buildings. When is sustainable building not really
sustainable? �Multiple centers of initiative.� Future Community Success
Assessment Tool

(10) 4:00 � 5:00 pm
The Best Communication Process I Know
Exercise: Gifting Circle process.