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Candidate to member proposal

Candidate to Member Decision Details Proposal

Proposal to clarify steps for “greenlight to membership” decision process.

This proposal is brought to try and clear up the reigning confusion about the specific steps for the Community, The Liaison, and the Candidate to take.

Note that this is JUST the candidate->member decision; we should also clarify this for Greenlight decisions, but that was beyond the scope of what I wanted to do tonight.

Once a candidate has been greenlighted, they and their liaison wait at least two and up to six months to schedule a membership decision. The liaison, in consultation with the candidate (and potentially considering input from others in the community), is the one to formally initiate the following process.

Step 1) Request to schedule a decision

Step 2) Once a decision is approved to be schedules, it is arranged by the Liaison and the agenda planning teams for two meetings, either two consecutive meetings or two meetings not more than two weeks apart.

Step 3) The first of the two meetings is a membership Interview, which should be scheduled for about 20 minutes. At this interview the candidate is asked questions about their candidacy and given a chance to share what their thoughts and feelings are.

Step 4) The second meeting is two parts. This should be scheduled for about 30 minutes.

As in step 1, if option C is chosen, the community will give a specific list of concerns and requested responses to the candidate, to be communicated by the liaison or another designated community member.