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3-2-08 Meeting

Governance Committee Meeting 3/2/08
Present: Somer, Ron, Andrea, Ann

1. Timeline Check-in
- our goal was to have the community’s approval for the bylaws by this point and be ready to give them to our lawyer
- where we’re actually
- should have a check-in with Lois about where we’re at with the process of forming the co-op and what is realistic in terms of meeting deadlines
- Ron and Somer will meet with Lois before the next POG meeting
2. Lawyer acquisition process
- still awaiting information from finance committee to complete application for lawyer from Public Counsel, they may not have some of those numbers
- will use projected numbers based on CRSP’s budget
- currently a draft, will forward to the rest of the governance committee
- should try to give feedback by next Sunday
3. Next steps for the bylaws: community and committee
- identifying undecided issues for the community to decide:

	- certain kinds of decisions that everyone has to give input for
	- composition of the Board
	- roles for officers of the Board
	- membership: LAEV-IC vs. co-op4. Discussion: size and makeup of the Board
- having the Board being the whole group, direct democracy approach
- just owners? Or owners not renters? Seems like just owners make sense, because they have the risk and the liability
- probably talking about 10-20 people
- most housing co-ops (like in NYC) have a board that is a subset of
- should have officers: need president, secretary, treasurer
- can have committees backing up each officer
- could require all officers or a designated representative of the community to attend to attend all board meetings, quorum 50% + 1
- attendance requirements? For officers or all board members?
- officers can only miss 2 in a row, and a maximum of 3 unannounced in a year
- board meets at a minimum of quarterly (probably once a month), committees meet outside meetings, continue with weekly community meetings
- roles for officers and their committees: manage staff (ie manager, maintenance)
- President - Secretary - Treasurer: manage finances, prepare budgets (probably will have finance) - emergency decision making: officers + 1-3 others, for quick decision making?