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2015-01-31 Food Coop Meeting

Food Coop 1/31/15 meeting, 10:30am
Present: Carol, Josh, John, Irma, Nick, Leslie

Update on domain name and hosting
Jocelyn will no longer be overseeing it
Peter has password and we have access to
If anyone has other updates please fill in (here)

Discuss on supplying bulk room with non-Azure items such as locally roasted coffee beans.
Nick would like to know how many folks are interested in coffee??
Nick will offer picking up and delivering coffee on a monthly basis.
Location: Bicycle Coffee Company, near Santa Monica and Western
$47.50 for 5lbs , organic, sustainably grown, in-house roasting
Great, start doing it. Josh will reimburse Nick after he makes the purchase.
Transfer 5lb sack into our 5 gallon containers to keep fresh
Please let Nick know if you’re interested
Nick recommends folks visit on Friday’s when coffee is free. Friday’s between 8am to 5pm.

Update on financial records and bookkeeping
Josh will be overseeing finances for now. Please check in to see how’s he’s doing. Carol thinks too much work for one person.
Josh explains that we currently don’t access to bank account. There is a debit card but no one really knows about it. Josh will follow with Lois to be able to make deposits locally instead of going to downtown site.
Lois tracks food coop deposits so money is kept separate from CRSP. We need more information on how all this works.
Lois would like food lobby to be more independent… transfer it over to USTU
John and Josh will talk more about getting food coop’s own bank account.
There needs to be constant tracking of sales sheets. Currently that’s not happening well enough, which makes managing finances very difficult.
Inventory keeping and spoilage are also major issues for us.
The laptop is really slow causing technological confusion. John will place his imac in bulkroom to help with speed. It’s a large unit.
Sales tracking digital sheet has only been used for about 3 weeks. John would like to use the old paper tracking sheets onto a google tracks
John has found mostly minor mistakes on track sheets, nothing major
Using SKU numbers as an option (stock keeping unit) to help with tracking inventory
Josh will look into it see if a feasible an option
Keeping sku’s on labels will better help track items
Price changes occur frequently – hard to keep up

Better marketing to help move product
Sync monthly meeting with Azure delivery
We’re not registered as a buying club
Sample Sunday-
Make a batch of coffee and highlight new items
Food Challenge- have folks pick 3 items from bulk room to create a delicious recipe.
Have a stone soup potluck

If possible, we’ll schedule next meeting
Schedule next meeting during azure delivery (ask Carol)