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2014-09-21 Food Coop Meeting

2014, Sep. 21 Food lobby meeting

Present: Carol, Nick, Peter, Josh, John, Sandy, Lara, Conci. Sketchy
notes by Peter.

Lois: has hundreds of contacts in adjacent zipcodes in her database,
and is willing to send a recruitment email. Anyone want to draft one?

Also: it would be nice to outreach to Bresee?

Adewole is interested in joining: can he help with our web issues?
(talk to Josh or Peter)

Currently, wiki is not editable. (temporarily) Ask Josh or Peter if
you need to edit it.

Note: not everyone who should has been putting people into the
database. This is really easy; do learn.

Maybe we shouldn’t do Monday, since we don’t have enough people to
regularly open it? It’s hard to know if it will be open, so no-one

Are there extra people in the veggie box shifts? It’s not clear. Maybe not.

Could we have people “on call” who would open up at other times? Have
one person per day of the week? Not including Carol, she’s the go-to
person anyhow? We could get it going, see how it goes??

We could try having a list of people who are willing to come down and
open up the room; with notes like “if Monday, try this person first”.

currently ON CALL list:

Other jobs:

 Inventory -- just happened for first time since 2011.  This involvesweighing everything. Why do we need to do this? It would help us
keep our sheets balanced. But not that much if we don’t also keep
track of how much of each item we sell.
Cleaning Inspecting containers -- checking for moths in the cracks.

Finance: it was too much for claire & carol; a time bank angel showed
up to help (yay!). She has made us spreadsheets! Claire has managed
to get checkbook balances done!

2013 net income: $406

  profit margin: 6%
  markup: 20%(the difference in the two is due to spoilage, like rancid cashews, or
unrecorded sales.)
In 2014, we sold about $6000 of food; and threw out $800 of it)

2014: balance is $1830
deposits through April: $754
estimated investments April - now: $1366
estimated balance now: $2729
Azures orders so far: $1943
spoilage so far: $250
other orders: $200

current estimated net: $336

Question: is this income enough for our vision? Perhaps not if we
wanted to, for instance, pay rent, or pay someone to set us up a POS

Discussion about doing inventory. Is it necessary?

Also: it would be nice to have other ways of being involved for people
who only, say, shop once a month? A bit of brainstorming, no