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2014-01-23 Food Coop Meeting


Food lobby meeting: 1/23/14, 7-8pm

Present: Irma, Carol

   •what's working
      oConvenience to bulk room if you have easy access to it
      oAccess to Azure Standard
      oRegular fresh vegetables
      oReduction of packaging and plastic bags!
   •what's not working
      oNot living up to what we promote about the food coop
      oNot enough working members to cover all shifts
      oDiscrepancy with income and expenses
      oWe don’t have a workshift coordinator.  *Thank you Becca for Monday shifts and thank you Zoe  for 2014 produce schedule.
   •How can we continue to predictably supply ourselves with bulk food without over-extending the energy of a few people.
      oCarol will investigate more about a buying club and what we need to do to open a bank account.  How can we predictably supply ourselves
   •Do we need more outreach for more members?
      oWe don’t know.  Only two of us at meeting.  Bike racking
   •How do we want to promote what we're doing
      oBike rack for next meeting
   •Thiago, Nichole and Peter have WordPress passwords and instructions to pass on to Brit.  Please forward this information to Brit as soon as you can.
   •Misha is not responding to emails.  We need to fill the work-shift coordinator position. 
      oRecommend having 2 work-shift coordinators.  One for bulk room and another for produce.
   •Suzy and Carol created the new member sheet form in 2013.  This Form was sent to Brit by Carol.