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2013-12-05 Food Coop Meeting


Food lobby meeting: 12/5/13

Present: Claire, Carol, Lois, Nichole, Thiago, Irma(notetaker)

Closing the Food Lobby CRSP sub-account and opening a new, independent Food Lobbyaccount. Who should have access to this account?
This item will be biked racked for next meeting. Lois will work on this next week and hopes to have more information to us shortly. Claire will send an email about meeting up with folks to discuss this item in more detail.
Something to mention- Azure is allowing other non- food co-op folks place orders on the truck order we get delivered. This is good news in that we will not have to meet our minimum orders since the order will be supplemented by the additional orders.

Food Lobby/bulk room financial report for 2013. Attempting to answer why we are breaking even when we should be taking in more than we spend due to mark-up in prices.
Thiago thinks it might be that he’s ordering extra food items and there might be more spoilage.
Nichole is willing to set up a work party to inventory everything in bulk room. Thiago and Irma volunteered to help.
Carol is concerned that the bulk room is rarely open on Sundays. Which may contribute to items getting stale or spoiling. Would like to add her concern to next co-op meeting.

Permission requested by Special Event committee to go into the FL database and email everybody about the Dec. Special Event.
A little late for this item.

Does Food Lobby want to donate bulk items for 12/7 anniversary event (Rice and Beans).
Food Lobby will donate but would like to track what is donated, amount and costs. Irma will check in with Jimmy. Nichole will help with bulk room needs. (Irma did not check with Jimmy)
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