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2013-02-25 Meeting

LAEV Community Meeting Notes 2.25.13

Facilitator: Becca

Note-taker: Eric

Members present: Lois, Becca, Eric, Julio Jr., Lara, Zoe, Thiago, Nichole, Carol, Laura, Somer, Leslie, Jimmy, Aurisha, Peter, Josie

Non-members present: George P, Clare, Bobby H, Luna, Summer

Next week agenda-planning and facilitation team: Somerset and Suzie

Next week’s agenda: 1) Building security; 2) Continuation of conversation on removal of Angel’s Trumpet; 3) Discussion of removal of additional Angel’s Trumpet bush.

1) Space requests:

Sunday, March 24, 11AM-1:30PM: Requesting courtyard and lobby for birthday party. Carol requesting on behalf of herself and Irma.

Friday, April 12, evening: Request from Adonia to use to lobby and courtyard for event.

Saturday, April 13, 1-6PM: Julio Jr. engagement party, potluck. Courtyard, Food in Community Room, Lobby.

2) Greywater Washing Machine Proposal – Introduction presented by Laura

Proposal to have a washing machine in the courtyard that will feed garden using its greywater. Initial cost of $600 will be covered by Laura and the community will pay her back over time. The community will save water and energy costs over time. Will be outside on a platform inside a shelter. Concern about restriction in existing contract with company providing washer/dryer to have another competing machine on the property (117 Bimini, but the contract does not apply to Bimini Terrace). Various opinions about how to deal with contract,

Next steps: Laura and Lois will discuss contract and other concerns and bring back proposal.

3) Claire Bergen Green Light Decision. Approved for Green Light!

4) Update on Alejandra /Andre family member process:

History: First moved in February, 2011 as a shortstay. In June, she asked for 6 month extension and to enter the Membership Process on the basis of the “Family Policy” that allows the family to enter the membership process while living here based on certain conditions. Discussion over many months over whether the policy applied to themwas inconclusive. In his role as Bienvenidos Committee member, Joe researched the question and told them he thought the policy did not apply to them. There was no agreement inside Bienvenidos Committee on whether No community decision was made, but shortstay ended July, 2012 and Alejandra and family moved out.

5) Allowing the Summer/Bobby family into the membership process. Summer and Bobby are requesting to enter the Membership Process without moving out. They believe based on past experience living in community that the policy does apply. Their original concern about living in LAEV was desire to send kids to school on the West Side, but their current plan is to send their kids to schools locally.

Broad discussion on application of policy. Many members of community believe that the policy as it currently stands, some do not. Concerns raised about the policy itself, desire to change it.

Decision re Summer/Bobby: Family will be allowed to enter the membership while residing at LAEV. We also agree to place a moratorium on the use of the policy after this instance until the policy is re-written.

Edit by Josh: There were three stand asides. (Josh was among them.)

Decision re addressing past application of this policy: We agree to convene an ad-hoc committee to address the past experience with Alejandra and her family and whatever wrong was done to them through the process (and any other cases of unfairness in the application of the policy). Nichole will convene this committee.

Upcoming Meetings:

Saturday, 2PM: Workshop on tree-trimming with Oscar Sanchez

Sunday 3PM: Garden Group, Lobby/Courtyard

Thursday: Carol & Zoe meeting re Safety and Security

CRT Meeting – coming up soon.


 Tue & Thur 2/26 & 28, 8:30 - 9am Meditation at Carol's 106

Streets for People is moving forward with funding looking positive from CD13. A workshop for community input will be announced soon.

Wed 2/27 at 12:30ish Babies on the Brain gathering in courtyard. Aurisha hosting

Thur 2/28: Maria diMartino’s funeral 10am 830 W. Washington Blvd.

Form 1023 update: legal contract and 1023 draft were sent to attorney Jesse Palmer a few days ago by Yuki. Ad hoc committee will continue gathering materials to complete the application.

Board members: Please get your resumes in.

Sat 3/2 at 2pm: Pruning walk with Oscar.

Thur 3/7 at 7:30pm Free talk with Dr. Helen Caldicot at Turning Point, 8780 National Blvd, very close to Expo Line. Free. Register here:

Fri 3/8 from 9am-4pm Climate Resolve downtown at 100 W. 1st St., Deaton Audit. Free. Register here: http://climateresolve.org/hot-city-cool-roofs/

Sun 3/10 9am - noon Worker Co-op mtg. #201

Fri 4/12 pm Adonia’s Bici Culture Roadshow Lobby and Courtyard

Sat 4/13 from 1-6pm Julio and Elizabeth’s engagement party. Lobby and #201