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2013-01-17 Food Coop Meeting

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Food lobby meeting: 1/17/13

Present: Ianne-facilitator,Laura- notetaker, Carol, George, Randy, Claire

Discuss check writing and depositing: Claire

	Claire has been collecting money from bulk room and slips from bulk room and logging it in excel sheet. Lara has been
        doing the deposit at the bank. Claire doesn’t know what else needs to be done. 
	Claire needs to talk to Lara and Michele about who can write checks.

calendar, scheduling, agenda-need new person

        Becca wants to step back from doing these tasks. This month and past month Ianne with Alex has done that. Irma wants to
        help with this. Change going on. Carol has taken over scheduling bulk room shift. Bulk room covered (if everyone takes
        their spots). Carol will orient new people Jan/Feb, then Carol won’t have a bulk room shift. 

Discussed idea of possible merger with LA food coop

	Autum knows them, suggested that someone contact them. They have lots of energy but no location. Alex can contact them. 

Discussed Carol’s proposal for paying rent $50

	Food coop has always been operating at generousity of ecovillage. Maybe paying a token rent would help make us take it
        more seriously, act like a business. This could support ideas to raise money like a bake sale. It would engage people and
        be fun.
	Lara suggested $30 for rent. 
        Mike Kirk said we have $300 sales, about $60 gross profit. He wants to know if the account confirms this. Claire will
        check the account. 

• Next steps: collect info (Claire) so we can make a decision about this.

Carol’s ideas for improving the system:

	What is role of “planner”? (Becca will know this, she hasn’t responded yet to email Carol sent)
	Egg order: Do we have other possibilities? The history of the eggs is that it hasn’t been dependable and not a simple
        process. Ianne would like to consider a different egg person. 
        “Administration” Claire is doing this role. (Money collection data entry)
	Research: who should we buy fruit from? (Jessica). Carol doesn’t know who this is and no one at the meeting does either.
        (delete it)
	“Coordinate a work swap with south central farm” Carol wants to take this off the work shift list. No one at the meeting
        know anything about it. (delete it)
	Room clean up: Carol is suggesting that the produce people clean the fridge (not the coordinator). Yes, we think that is a
        good idea.
	Carol suggests that we leave them in the hall (produce boxes), not put them in the bike room shelves. We need someone Sun.
        eve to look at it. Job open! George will put them in the bike room Sun. night. We need to ask produce people to put empty
        boxes high up and leave the full ones in the hall and George will put them away Sun. eve. 
        Communication: can we take the news letter editor away. Yes! Newlettter publisher? Yes! (get rid of it). 
        Data entry? We don’t know what it is. We can put this question out in an email to see if anyone else knows. 
        Bulk order book keeping- Claire took this over from Mchelle.
        Researching local food sources (meridith)- delete this, we have it covered by others. 
        Coop ordientation trainer:
        External outreach coordinator: Haitus on this one.
        Outreach at large- delete, it merged with time bank and Claire is doing it.
        Summer party planner- delete
        Education- Melba recipes. Delete as a job, keep it spontaneous. 
        Question: Should we keep the bulk room open from 2:30 to 4:30 or 5:30? Produce comes early, at 2:30, so bulk room should
        be open then for people picking up produce boxes. It has been kept open till 5:30, but then bulk room workers will be
        working much longer then other workers in food coop. We talked about pros and cons of both ways.
        For now, we decided to do it 2:30 to 4:30, an hour for each person. We will research if time bank volunteers can do the
        extra hour. We’ll also do a survey of bulk room workers to see if they want to work the extra hours.
        New job we need: web master.
       Meeting ended at 8:30 PMNext meeting: 3rd Thursday. Maybe Irma? That is in process who will be planning it.