LAEV Community Meeting 02/28/11
1. Room Request: 109 (George)
-1 year short stay
-willing to live there without it being totally renovated
- have to move within 6 weeks
2. Lailye Dance Class Intro (Josey)
-hopes to have it on the 2nd and 4th meeting of every month, from 7-8:30pm starting on March 8th
-Yoga meets modern dance
-$5 donation go to RACK
-CRT meeting might clash (meets 2nd Tuesday every month). Need to figure that out
3. RACK intro to use LAEV space (Bex and Karen)
-use a LAEV space on Wednesdays
-give produce to families at MacArthur? pack
-Currently an immigrant led organization
-meet to work out details, use to meet at church but that fell apart
-7-9 pm meeting, around 10 people attend.
- A possibility of joining forces with Food Co-op and start a store front.
-Ann is offering to be a point person for the RACK meetings.
- Security concerns with the gate being open for long periods of time.
-Also concerned with clashing with potential events, which goes back to flexibility of the group’s meetings.
-More specific proposal with details coming next week
4. Birthday Space request (JM)
-Grand Sleep over (6-7people)
-March 3rd but it’s going to be on a Saturday
-starts at 6pm
-everyone welcome
-Should have phone numbers of parents and they know where they are at all times
5. Kids Place (JM, Zev, Joaquin)
-Work party this Saturday at 10am
-clean up and use the space to use it as a kid friendly space
-at the outside windows of the bike room
-concern with if it’ll actually be used
-maybe ask people living there about noise levels
-would be great to make it multi-use (occasionally for events with kids permission, as a stage, etc)
-would be great to have a map with specific details of how they would use the space
-would like it to be a deck for a while, concerned about disorganization, preferred it to be a temporary space.
-in 2 weeks there will be a more detailed plan on how to use the space
-Jimmy will work with kids to work on details
-Consensus for zone of that area for kids space!
6. CRA (Yuki)
-finance committee met and came up with proposal: USTU apply for an acquisition loan for CRA ($248K)
-second part is to give finance committee green light to work with Ryan Lehman to develop pro formas ( how we can afford it? What cash flow with be like?, etc)
-3rd part is to sign a covenant, reserve 6 units for “very low income renters”
-that way we can tell CRA we are interested right away.
-can we pay off loan? Will ask
-How can we building up working reserves and cash fast enough: you start out without too many reserves, then you build that up
-How do we ought to commit to sustainable employment: not sure yet, if we get employees they should get workers’ comp.
-On a sustainable employment, decision is an USTU decision since we’ll be working on the budget
-too broad right now, might be agreement when there’s specificity
-need public money for state to approve us as a cooperative, might even need a plan B since CRA is not a guarantee
-Yuki will bring concerns to future finance conversations
-concern with transparency of this process, important to be very clear from now on.
-next steps is to develop something with numbers and bring it up next week.
-Consensus to do the 4 things presented by Yuki
-For transparency talk to Lois about drafts for the loan
-there is POG quorum
Coop Rules (Leslie and Ianne)
-Will continue to go down the list of Renter Agreement items during community meetings
- Manager meeting next week
-Dave and Yuki are next week facilitation team
-Dwight turns 80 on Thursday, March 10th : Irma is asking for $5 each for b-day dinner
-Ciclavia is having party on Saturday (river tour, dodge ball, etc) at Atwater Crossing at March 5th 2-7pm. Kid friendly
-JM’s b-day is on Saturday at Moonlight Roller Way at 12noon, 1-4:30pm.
-Anna is doing the AIDS ride in June, asking for donation. Also need help searching thru
-Work party at 10am at Saturday, Ianne is making
-Volunteer for bike vale to get in for free
-Memorial semporium for Yuki’s father last week, very cool and nerdy
-Lara will be at New Orleans next week
-sat 3/12 noon : An Introduction to the Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust with Lara and others
-Sat. 5/7 from 10am to 1pm: How to Start an Ecological Revolving Loan Fund in your Neighborhood with Lois
-4-5 large upcoming conferences:
National Cohousing conference in Washington DC June 17-19
Global Ecovillage Network Conference at Tamara ecovillage in Portugal July 7-11
Ecocity World Summit in Montreal August 23-26
Art of Community in Occidental CA Sept. 23-25
International Permaculture Conference in Jordan in September
-great job staying calm