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2010-04-18 Food Coop Meeting

1. Present - Jeremy (facilitator), Ann, Kathy Hill (notes), Jocelyn,
Marina, Erin. NO QUORUM.

2. Agenda reviewed.

3. Moldy fruits and veggies: Discussed quality control. Some cell
leaders inspect and compost before the split. We need to address with
the farmers. Last time they were reminded there were improvements.
Need a fluent Spanish speaker to call Jaime Farms. We could maybe get
our order before they go to the Farmer’s Market so we benefit from
delivery earlier in the day? It helps to inspect and wash all produce
on arrival home. Issue is especially true of strawberries and wilty
greens. ACTION: Jeremy will identify and recruit someone from his cell
to call the farm. We need to have someone develop this relationship.

4. Filling Work Shifts: Discussion:

Orientation: Ann. Jocelyn did one today, it’s fun and easy. Jonny will
be asked to seek someone who is tired of veggie sorting, by phoning

Contact for new members and workshift coordination: Now Ann. Jeremy
will do once he is replaced. Jeremy will ask if anyone in his cell
wants to become its coordinator. Ann will fill Jeremy in about the job
and present vacancies.

Bookkeeping. - Ann volunteered to take over if someone takes on her shifts.

Purchasing. Jessica, who is making a real website for us, is taking on
these tasks from Jocelyn for the summer while Jocelyn is in Korea.

Monday Night Bulk Room. Carrie interested. Josh would like to move
from a Sunday cell to Mondays. Ann is seeking a Sunday worker and
other Sunday shifts are open.

Communications: Bulletin Board Updater, forms copier, newsletter
producer (copier), newsletter writer/editor: Jonny does the weekly
email, but someone needs to take over written materials - two
workshifts. Some folks from Echo Park Time Bank may be good prospects,
including those now working at Edendale Farms.

5. We joined Echo Park Time Bank as an organizational member. Our coop
hours count for Time Bank credits. We can use Time Bank members to
fill vacancies. Details about how this works will appear in a future
Hoping to recruit someone to hook up the bulk room scale to computer
to automatically make all calculations. Jocelyn seeking donation of a
laptop. Need to put a call out to Time Bank a few days in advance when
workers are needed. We need to recruit a Time Bank recorder to log our
time. Jocelyn will put out a call for this.

6. New web site under construction with WordPress? is to help recruit
new members and show prospects how to join. Some info on wiki is out
of date. Suggest content be reviewed before it migrates to website. We
also have a blog, can link if it remains active and it is easy to log
in. If not can start a new one. Jocelyn will give Jessica the
notebook, and content from that can be had from Kathy, who also has
some photos. Do we need a logo? Future agenda item. Jocelyn is liaison
for Jessica. Phase two: Paypal or equivalent for remote ordering!

5. Future Bulk Room Relocation. Working with Echo Park Time Bank on
this - they are not ready yet but by working with them our membership
would increase greatly. They plan to help earn rent through canning
garden produce. They are focusing on small local businesses, good
synergy for us, may be happening this fall, rent budget would be about
$1000 per month. Old “Orange 20” site is $800 but bike kitchen took
it. Seeking a spot in a “food desert” neighborhood. See Jocelyn to
help with the search. Zoning for food stores is different from
member-only cooperatives, so can’t open to public. Jonny, Jessica and
Jocelyn are meeting with Occidental College Center for Food and
Justice, and looking at sources of seed money to cover first year’s
rent. Expect to scale up fast with much longer hours, bigger discounts
from suppliers, etc. Email Jonny if you would like to be part of this
meeting. Jeremy is involved in urban farming advocacy group, seeking
to sell home produce at farmers markets, ordinance may soon be
rewritten. Jeremy has contact in Eric Garcetti (councilman) office and
will make a call.

Please send future agenda items to the listserv or to Becca. Next
meeting is May 16 at 4 PM.