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2009-12-14 Meeting

POG Meeting December 14, 2009

Facilitators: Joe, Zoe
Members Present: Adonia, Dave, Julio Jr., Lara, Kathy, Federico, Yuki,
Jimmy, Aurisha, Melba, Randy, Julio Sr., Somer
Process: Jason, Josh

Agenda Scheduling
Leslie GreenLight?
Janet Intro
-late rent policy
Bienvenidos Update
Use of Communal Space
Jimmy and the Magic Door
Community Room Request

Agenda Scheduling
Proposal: meeting on Dec. 21st, no meeting on December 28th; CONSENSUS
POG meetings on Dec. 21, Jan. 11th and 29th

Leslie Greenlight
Ready to be greenlighted; Heather is liaison; Aurisha spoke to Leslie
she can do it the first week in Jan; scheduled for Jan 4th meeting

Use of Common Space
Shared spaces are not always getting cleaned up quickly; Kathy feels
she’s picking up in lobby, would like an agreement for reasonable time
limit for cleaning-up after an event
Proposal: clean-up within 24 hours as nice as it was before you used
the space or better
-there’s a draft that was never consensed on
-can we word it together here and make it rhyme
-do we want to have set up and tear down for Sunday potluck? Bikerack
-this should be intention and remind when people make requests and
make it a practice to review how it was implemented after events
-how do we hold people accountable? Bikerack
Proposal: Follow the policy to the letter and leave our spaces as you
found ‘em or better. Do all within your powers to make this happen in
24 hours. CONSENSUS

Update: Wanted community input as to whether we can determine X amount
of months with no participation that we can communicate that they are
no longer in our process and if so, should we incorporate in our
membership policies
-initially decided that interested phase could last indefinitely
-limited number of liaisons and people are assigned to interested
candidates that haven’t been around
-people aren’t always ready for liaison when they’ve turned in
questionnaire, sometimes casually interested and not pursing
membership; we’ve assumed that questionnaire means you’re interested
confused by people that don’t continue in the process
-suggestion that if we don’t hear from people at all in 2 months if
they have a liaison, the liaison is no longer responsible for them,
they would need to be reassigned,; liaison could send letter out in 1
-really good if we don’t hear from someone that we should let the
liaison off (2-6 months)
-simplify by it belonging in liaison guidelines rather than modifying
membership process; would phrase it as if you haven’t heard form the
interested person in 1 month or whatever and you make an attempt that
does not get a response or is not interested than process stopped;
effort to communicate triggers rather than an X amount of time
-in process list will get infinitely long we should probably archive
after 1 year to inactive
-we should list on wiki when the liaison was assigned
-can Bienvenidos Committee make a specific proposal based on this input?
-preference for 3 months
-straw poll on how many months before liaison is dropped
6 for 2 months; 13 for 3 months; 5 for 4 months;
-the person who responds to emails for the month will assign liaisons
-can be an internal bienvenidos decision doesn’t need to come to committee

POG – late rent policy
Background: how as Board of Directors are we going to deal with
collecting rents and deal with late rents, assessments and carrying
charges; have considered a bailout fund and talked about timelines

Detailed Proposal (based on discussion at last community meeting):
-interested in fair and compassionate system that is firm and enforceable
Day 1-5 - grace perion/no penalty
Day 6-10 - $10 late fee
Day 11 - late fee increase to $25
Day 12 - issue 3-day pay-or-quit notice which gives the legal option
to pursue asking them to leave

Options after Day 30 – still behind then tenant needs to attend next
Board meeting in person to work something out; if NO then eviction
proceedings initiated at Day 45

Options Day 12-45
(1) pay off debt
(2) 2 consecutive or 4 within 12 months then will initiate pay-or-quit
notice; if they don’t talk to Board then trigger legal action at Day
(3) Board can offer more affordable apt.
(4) Board can come to voluntary move out agreement with tenant
(5) offer mediation through City to get signed agreement
(6) offer option of requesting a loan from bailout fund
(7) all agreements signed with time triggers and written solution
(8) Board notified and updated about any pay-or-quit notices and/or
formal agreements

-situation when someone is seriously ill, are there options for
someone who won’t be able to pay the rent (public assistance available
but we don’t have something as community that addresses; maybe it
could be a guideline in the bailout fund; needs to be discussed)
-would like the bailout fund in place before that late rent policy is in place
-there are choices related to comment about being ill like social
security and smaller apt
-someone could be in a physical condition that they couldn’t
communicate with the Board if they were incapacitated but not avoiding
-critical part is making sure that we have emergency loan part in place
-next step would be for Finance to develop and propose structure for
emergency loan; money may not be available until ownership; may be
other sources of funding but most will be from rents
-would like to have some money already on Day 1 so that we’re
immediately prepared; could structure the transition to seed the pot
prior to Day 1
-don’t yet have detailed budget for transition for 1st year and 5 year
plan; we’ll need at Day 1 a financial reserve; in that process we
should have liquid assets that we should also be able to have
something to reserve for emergency loan purpose to have at the
-maybe % of share costing goes to this fund; down payment of POG
members could go to this fund
-part of monthly payment goes towards that loan; ask POG members if
they can do a lump sum payment
-intent is to present today
-not in process to approve tonight
-Finance will schedule for approval
-one member willing to approve conditionally pending the reserve fund guidelines
-shouldn’t hurry tonight is too soon because it’s a big part of policy

Jimmy and the Magic Doors
-asking for modification of 107 to install 2 doors in each of 2 window
spaces opening to courtyard that he salvaged
-how will it interact with what is in courtyard right at windows;
these aren’t active Jimmy would like to use this space for
permaculture and patio and greywater
-they’ll be secured from the inside as secure as the windows
-how hard is it to fit doors into windows? Takes some time
-are you asking for any community resources? Jimmy’s going to handle it all
-why 2? Just because it’s nice indoor outdoor space
-outside space is still all community space
-keep us in the loop on what plans you have for the outside space
-more doors is more access to outside and space should be used; space
that’s developed shouldn’t be exclusive to the developer
-shady area there hasn’t been very activate; communal land shouldn’t
be set aside for one person but it will be a benefit to have useable
space there which hasn’t occurred
-doors are being rehabbed they have old lead paint; determined that
the safest way is to scrape off the wood manually
-look at space use, for example there’s a couch outside one members
window where people hang out and talk sometimes when sleeping
-where is the stripping take place and where will the scraps go?
Scraps to George for toxics disposal; stripping not creating dust
-CONSENSUS doors approved

Community Room Open House
-Friday night in the community room with food and festivities 7pm
until oblivion CONSENSUS
-Thiago here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Sat. Julio opera performance at Broad stage Santa Monica 7:30pm
-Dec. 25th Dave is planning on hosting a dinner, his folks in town and
open to community, let Dave know if interested
-this Thursday 7:30 pm Dave and Annes’s hannaka super suppah with
dradles and candles and singing everyone’s invited
-Thursday 7pm is BVCLT Board meeting
-Randy’s band playing the 29th doesn’t know where yet
-Josh and Dave hoping to have gathering on Saturday at space downtown;
will let you know
-thank Lara and others that made gate thing happen in the back
-Zoe leaving Wednesday to east coast until Dec. 28th
-Alternative to Huffing meeting took place; if folks find canisters in
neighborhood can you keep them and give to Joe; let us know if you
come across other groups working on this
-organize annual New Years Eve or Day potluck meal
-Somer’s last class Saturday
-Federico is funemployed
-possibly more mulch delivered tomorrow
-Josie ultrasound Friday

-hat looked like disguise, somewhat complicated issues done clearly
-well organized and well run ending on time
-good everything written on board was useful, kept on time
-amazed how much can be covered every week, stack is good for staying organized
-announcements were good
-always impressed with Joe’s facilitation skills, Zoe did good with
preparation, stopped a cross town bus
-thumbs up
-appreciate this meeting is ending on time, very well organized,
appreciated the poem
-great, thank you
-liked the rhyming, glad you used hat, talked a lot as facilitator
-fluffy and warm
-great job keeping on track, upbeat
-productive and joe keeps people on track
-well done amazing rhyming skills, expecting that to be hour conversation
-thanks Zoe for putting together agenda

Next Facilitators: Kathy and Brad
Bikerack: Potluck set up and takedown; Clean-up Accountability