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2009-08-20 BVCLT Board Meeting

BVCLT Board Meeting

Date: August 20, 2009

Present: Lara, Julio Sr, Somerset, Julio Jr, Irma- notes, Stephanie, Helen, Sara

Intern project: 20 min
Garden: 20 min
Mou finalized: 15 min

Discussion on intern project- Helen and Sara are not present.
Idea’s suggested by group

Mou finialzed w/CRSP and COOP (See attached for MOU)
Concerns raised in previous POG meeting regarding monthly lease of $1,200 to BVCLT from coop. Details need to be ironed out by all parties. Suggested that the lease amount be revisted in 3 years. Also, logistics regarding insurance came up. The question is will coop be recognized as a non-profit.

Real Estate Committee will follow up next meeting.

Yovana Perez, 2nd year at UCLA-Urban Planning. Intern interested in affordable housing project. Working on her Client Project which takes 1 year. Brief introductions by BVCLT members. More information about BVCLT needed. Yovana will follow up with her professors.

LAUSD Garden project. Lara reviewed briefly on garaden programs so we can figure out which direction BVCLT wants to go in.

Next meeting is September 17th.