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2008-07-05 Meeting

Bienvenidos Committee Meeting 7/5/08

Present: Aurisha, Lara, Thiago, Ann

1. Check-in About People in Process
- Heather on agenda for scheduling a membership decision.
- Rashida. Green light discussion next week?
- Zoe’s been around, quitting her job. Maybe ready for green-lighting in a few weeks?
- Rainbow? Haven’t seen her in a while.
- Eric Howard? Haven’t seen him in a while
- Eric Anderson, chillin on the west side. Down to connect with us socially, not interested in moving any time soon.
- Luke is still out of town and busy. Excited to hang out when he’s back
- Fred moved out, back in process, has been around a lot. Bankruptcy issue. Social inappropriateness. Discussion in two weeks.
- Roberto Cabrales, found another living situation? Been around some.
- Maeve and Hunter. Short stay at Ann’s in September.
- Becca sent Lara her questionnaire. She’ll be visiting in July.
- Jocelyn Graf and Kwan Wu interested in living in K-town for 2 years. Short stay? Coming out in mid-August.
- Adonia Lugo submitted her questionnaire. Will be back in September.

2. Additions to questionnaire?
1) Food question…does someone have it?
2) Age
3) Connections to significant others or family in the area?

3. Up for review
- Ron (overdue): this week
- Melba

4. Dinner for people in process
- Tuesday the 15th or Thursday the 17th
- Ann will send email to see people’s preferences.

5. LAEV Friends listserv
- Lara down to be the guardian, make sure people get added and announcements get posted
- Thiago will show her how to get it going again