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2008-05-21 BVCLT Board Meeting

BVCLT Board Meeting

Date: May 21, 2009

Present: Lara, Julio, Somerset-notes, Julio Jr, Irma, Tina

Michelle& Joselyn showed up later, Helen is driving back from up north

Spontaneous meeting between LAUSD facilities manager and Lara

Found out that there are not any rules about where exits and entrances have to be on LAUSD property. When told about our hope for a garden in association with the school. Her response was to suggest convening a meeting about the sustainable gardening.

In response to speeding cars on 1st st. there is movement for putting a stop light at Westmoreland.

Irma to report back to us about stimulus meeting with LA Conservation Corps.
Ask Joscelyn about the stimulus meeting she went to or hopefully get the notes from Michelle.

Julio has found someone to go through the commercial buying process.

From committee notes: It would be great to hold a meeting/ educational forum at the Rosewood Community Garden and give a Spanish language presentation on BVCLT. Somerset will look into collaborating with Helen on this and will report back by the next meeting, with an idea of possible dates for this presentation.
We should contact Garcetti’s local field office for the Rosewood community gardens

A flyer should be made, Dore has a box of the 1st try on our logo
We have something functional, we should use it.
Put up flyers at the outdoor swap meet at LACC
Also at LACC
Should be strategic with what flyers to put up…EDUCATION focused flyers

AYE youthbuild kids are doing green retrofits on the Mary Lynn Foundation buildings
They will be coming by Bimini this summer.

The stimulus money is split between energy/transportation
Then smaller amounts to departments for labor

We could provide sourcing for owners of greening apartment buildings –have an intern work on this

Committees should report back on what they did at least in outline form

JUNE 16 AGENDA: at our June meeting, committees should report back on our retreat “who & when checklists”