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2008-02-12 BVCLT Board Meeting

BVCLT Board Meeting #1!

Board Members Present:
Lara Morrison, Michelle Wong, Somerset Waters-minutes, Jill Sourial, Ann Finkelstein, Tina Mata, Suzy Sherod, 7:10-Julio F Santizo
Guests Present: Barbara Corkrey-Attorney

-Synopsis of bylaws for the board members to highlight items for clarity?

-Reviewing the duties of the board members

-Minutes of the meetings have to be approved at the following meetings.
Minutes will be distributed in advance of the meeting for their approval.


Time willing to serve

Somerset Waters- 2 years- lessee
Ann Finkelstein-1- lessee

Jill Sourial-1- general
Julio F Santizo- 2 years-lessee
Julio Santizo- 1-lessee
Michclle-1- general
Tina Mata- 2- public
Suzy Sherod- 2- public
Lara Morrison-2 general
All other board members will be documented as running for 1 year as the default position


Election of Board Officers

Ann Finkelstein- Secretary
Michelle Wong- Treasurer
Tina Mata- President
Jill Sourial- Vice President



Kinecta Credit Union will be offering banking services out of the NIX
checking at the rite aid just south of 3rd.
All 7-11’s have coop atms
We should find out what are the participating Credit Unions,as we need a motion from the board

It was moved by Tina Mata to open an account at a credit union close to
downtown. The details of which credit union will be determined by the
The initial signatories for the account will be Michelle Wong & Lara Morrison or Suzy Sherod before the next board meeting.

We do have a tax id #
We must have 2 signers on all checks, both people


Wilshire Blvd. Car Free Event: April 22

This event is being put together by the Earth Day LA co.
It costs us $250 to be at the event
Michelle is looking to bring her café cart at the event. Donating the Café
services for the
Suzy and Ann will be baking goods for the Café Cart
The event will only be worth it if we are willing to get some CLT graffixs
and energy for the responses to the interest that we generate.
What is our purpose at that event?
We could show the helping hands
To provide information on CLT affordable housing.
We need to have a handout.
We need a sign up sheet for tours at Eco Village
Can we financially do this now?
Suzy has a large format printer for the signage
Aly (intern for CRSP) could probably help
We will ask if we could split the participation fee with CRSP
We need the up front costs for the coffee and signage/cards

Where can we post the info for the meetings?
Suzy is willing to set up a Gmail calendar
It can be private for the BVCLT board and has the capabilities for making
aspects of it public.

We have an immediate need for our Tax exemtion status which is $750 for the

Treasurer- get research from lois, if she can find a good credit union then
she will get the signatories together for getting the accout.
Treasurer will be speaking with CRSP for splitting the fee for the Car Free
March 1-deadline for application for the Car Free Event
March 10- Credit union deposit needs to happen.
Suzy going on sabbatical on the 28th so she will be unavailable,

Lara- will help Michelle
Will help Ann and Jill with the Bylaws work.
Ann will make sure Somer posts these minutes
Ann will make a Wiki page for the BVCLT and will post the minutes there
Contact the board members that weren’t able to attend.

DATE for the next meeting:

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