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2007-12-12 Memb Meeting

Notes from the 12 December 2007 Membership Committee Meeting

Attending: Ann, Randy, Michelle, Yuki, Joe (notetaker)

1. Bienvenidos / Membership Split

   Ann expressed an interest in being on Bienvenidos, but no longer on Membership committee (sobs filled the air).  Ann plans to convene the next Bienvenidos Committee - expected in January 2008.  Discussion of what each committee does:
     Bienvenidos Committee - "implementation" (or ongoing stuff for new members)
      - assigning liaisons (Ann to follow-up on liaison for Fred)
      - responding to inquiries
      - reporting to community what the status of new folks is
      - organizing monthly orientation
      - finishing brochure (Ann to head this up)
     Membership Committee - "policy" (limited duration - once finished, this committee may dissolve)
      - POG Items: Transition Times newsletter, contacting residents to see where they think they'll fit in, possible opt-out process
      - Non-POG Items: Membership policy for Partners, for non-resident members
    ??? We weren’t quite sure where outreach fits - but it’s on the back burner right now.

2. Orientation

   Bienvenidos will host the first of our planned regular monthly orientation for new members - to take place tentatively the 3rd Thursday in January.  Ann and Yuki and an as-of-yet-unnamed-third-person will do the orienting. Joe will create a revised draft of the LAEV history page.  Other than that, it appears that all the materials are ready for the first orientation.

3. Transition Times - contacting residents about transition and getting input on what category they see themselves in

   Joe will do a revised draft of the planned Transition Times newsletter.  His draft will be done by 12/19/2007 - at which point membership committee and Lois and Lara can review... plan to have final version of text by 12/26.  Yuki will lay out the newsletter in a stylish, eye-catching but impeccably clear manner.  It will be printed and distributed in January - at which point, membership folks will talk one-on-one with everyone in CRSP buildings and involved neighbors.  Below are the assignments of who will be talking to whom in January when the Transition Times is finalized. (We assigned folks to Lara and Federico, but they will let us know if their assignments are ok.) We decided we don't need to talk to pog members (as we assume that they are planning to transition into co-op share owners)
   At that time (mid-January), soon after Transition Times comes out, we plan to host an information session for anyone interested in attending and asking questions.







Joe will draft a list of speaking points and questions for these one-on-one transition follow-ups planned.

Next Meeting - scheduled for THursday January 3rd at 7:30pm