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2007-08-26 Meeting

Bienvenidos/Membership notes 8 26 07

Schedule for answering emails

New list of people for responding, starting in September:
September: Federico
October: Thiago
November: Lara
December: Aurisha
January: Yuki
February: Joe
Thereafter months TBD

Questionnaire revision

All changes made by Ann were approved, with the addition to “and/or” where Ann had written “and” in question 3.

Lois’s suggestions
Question # 15 was modified to say “other small indoor animals will be considered on a case by case basis.”

Health issues - there’s more to talk about, but we didn’t consider it a questionnaire question. There are potential discrimination issues, and we believed these issues would come out during the interview and conversations.

Drugs - not a questionnaire item, it’s already in the rental agreement.

Neat/Clean - We should create a policy on this item if there are recurrent concerns. Not a questionnaire item since it doesn’t seem like a “core” item.

Next steps with Ron

He’s been gone under 4 years, so he needs to complete questionnaire, and then we can schedule the discussion/decision.

He can send the completed questionnaire to the listserve.


Thiago will revise history of LAEV
We will compile documents into the orientation document
Discuss the item in membership committee
Finalize/approve in membership committee
Community approval and implementation

How do we want to have consistent conversations with interested people?

Currently, we have a website http://urbansoil.net/membership
In which there is an email that sends directly to the membership listserve
This email and website is linked from laecovillage.org

We will create an email response template to standardize a response to expressed interest
- include link to welcome page
- thank you
- helpful links
- duration of process
- invititations to tours, upcoming events, potlucks
- Printed brochure on becoming a member

Next steps/To do

Liaison list, process and discuss guidelines
Joe will be the convener