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2007-08-20 Meeting

2007-08-20 Community Meeting

Attendance: Yuki (facilitating), Federico (taking notes), Lara, Joe, Sam, Anna, Dave A., Esfandiar, Randy, Hop, Adalila, Lois, Mauro, Somerset, Aurisha, Dale, Jimmy, Andrea, Michael Cassetta, Juniper.

Tree has some time available and she’s wondering if we are interested in having an LAEV specific retreat. The other option is for CRSP to do a public event (were eco-villagers could attend), something like a two day weekend consensus workshop.
If it’s private CRSP would pay. If it’s public CRSP would pay for eco-villagers.
Lois will send some dates and see what people think, then bring it back to the meeting.

We are at the end of our schedule. Lara volunteers to do a draft for next week. Anyone who wants to be in or out could talk to her.

Today is the day to see if we want to decide to use the diagram as police -continuation from last meeting-.
The idea is to use the diagram for 6 months.
- is the diagram on the wiki?
- 4 years too long?
It wasn’t a random number. It has a “safety valve” since the community can decide where to place anyone.
It could be 2 years since the community changes fast enough for that, there are “quantum leaps” every 2 years.
- Why such a structure if there are not reservations about a certain member?
The idea is to allow the community to adjust to any needs such as “not enough people know the person”, or if someone didn’t participate enough. If it’s more than four years the community might have had some level of change to which the person needs to adjust.
- The discussion doesn’t have to be just one meeting, it can go as far as it is necessary to all the members of the community.

So we have consensus on using the diagram as policy for 6 months.
It should be noted that Esfandiar stands aside and Dale has some concerns.

Dave is his Liason.
Michael’s Questionnaire is Online on the wiki (password protected). Or in the the binder downstairs.

There are the parts to do Phase One of the rearranging of the bike room. There are about 22 spaces right now.
After the rearranging there would be about 38-40 storage spaces. The proposal is to is to use these new cool hooks on the side of courtyard to test how it works, as trial.
- What about extra-cycles and tandems?
Put hooks higher. Part of another discussion for “special needs” bikes. Maybe in the back. There will be a tall spot for the extra-cycle.
- Careful with gasslines and pipes.

He bought it from 33 1/3 the bookstore and it was stored in the garage but he wants to put it into some other space.
One question: do people see a use for it?
Comments/questions (one person per dash):
- It’s a good money making tool. Support.
- Good tool for producing media, people interested could pay for storage. Support.
- Useful.
- Yes.
- In favor. Do you need other things for silk screening.
- There are a lot of water based paints available. Some screens and squeegees. Training.
- Interested.
- Yes.

Other question: is there place in the eco-village to store it?
- 107 is an option. Changing the garages in the back?
- It doesn’t take that much room. Maybe using 107 will keep the room from getting stuffed again.
- Creative space that has been mentioned, basement maybe. That could be an interesting location.
- 107 is a usable apartment. It sounds like irresponsible management to use livable spaces for things like that.
- 107 could be used in the meantime. Using apartments is fine for an active community. More interested in usable spaces than revenue.
- 107 sounds ok.
- The ultimate use of space is a POG decision. Related to an annual budget. All things suggested have been temporary uses.
- 107 wouldn’t be definitive.
- A lot of stuff. Seems unfair for other people who also have needs and things and things with needs to be stored.
- Perhaps the people interested in screen printing could pay for storage. Once that space is used for storage is never going to be fixed up. It should be fixed up and used for housing.

There is a lot of interest, there are concerns. The proposal needs to be adjusted and will be Biked Racket

Anna and Sam discussion timing
-We are here on earth, sez federico, trying to do something intelligent
-They need to be oriented and consensus trained
-Now we need to schedule a decision
New Members Asked to Leave:
-Check in how do people feel about Sam and Anna

Bike Rack:
- Screen printing storage
- Tree Retreat.


- Book By Diana Leaf Christian “Finding Community” is available. Please check it out.
- Wednesday Morning, Telemundo Channel 52 will come and do a composting demonstration that julio senior will present for a newscast item on “solutions for environmental issues.
- The rabbit CC is very sick it might be put to sleep tomorrow in case anyone
- Wed between 6-9 introduction to community land trusts
- Sat the 25th. Introduction to LEED neighborhood development

- Tomorrow 5:30 at Path (Madison next to the 101 freeway)
First Rampart Village Neighborhood Council
- Biciclettes will perform friday after de big levowsky ride. go to http://midnightridazz.com/.com or http://bikeboom.com/webcalendar/month.php
- Saturday Work Party
- Next Tuesday the 28 huge suppa suppah at Joes house

- Julia russel hosting a talk on sustainable urban living 7:30 to 9pm
- “Story Corps” Wednesday. At mammas hot tamales community meeting about the project
- tue 28 lunar eclipse from

- Gone from thursday for 9 days

- There are a few art pieces from 33 1/3 that could be interesting for the community room (to be brought next week)

(one period per person)
Really appreciated observing the process. A lot of input, it was efficient although long, went well because there was a lot of input. it took a long time, sorry. We are a relationship, thanks for hanging out, we made quantum leaps. good job between two facilitator, enjoyable discussion. apologies for delaying the discussion, appreciate everyone hanging out and sharing.
Well facilitated meeting. Well managed. In the closed session there was a point where we should have closed up because there was no consensus (to be continued would have been an option), noisy fan. Good taking turns, a young man here at the beginning wasn’t introduced, introductions are good, its important to name consensus, we should acknowledge long items, membership discussions should be scheduled at least 30min to an hour, maybe with breaks. Good job at staying neutral and not being distracted. It would have been useful to have a quorum right at the beginning. It was challenging, we started 15 minutes late, everyone’s input appreciation.

Angel and Aurisha next week.