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2007-07-16 Meeting

BC Meeting Notes: 7/16/07

Attending: Niki (Facil), Dave (Notes), Joe, Lara, Randy, Hop, Adelila, Ayanna, Chris, Thiago, Federico, Yuki, Ann, Julio Jr, Tina, Dale


Review water saving brainstorm

Vote three dots per person on brainstorming
Changing Laundry Machines is complicated; we are locked into a contract
Composting Toilet would probably need to be outside

Make wiki page for discussion and elaboration
Talk more about priorities soon

Nikki Request Apt 218

Murphy’s current unit. No other requests. Nikki love the rooms. It will uplift her spirit, and is next to randy. Randy and Nikki will co-parent the monkey they will keep on the balcony. Nikki will be careful to check in with downstairs neighbor before dancing.

Consensus says yes.

Adopting Cap on Candidate Household Number

PROPOSED Community Candidate Capacity Policy
(draft 7/11/2007 - written by Joe Linton based on discussion/notes from the 6/21/2006 Membership Committee meeting)

In order to give Los Angeles Eco-Village membership candidates sufficient attention and to not spend too much of the community’s time and energy, LAEV intentional community chooses to limit the number of candidates for membership we greenlight at a given time.

At any time, the community will have a maximum total of 4 households greenlighted as candidates. Households could include families, couples, roommates, and individuals.

The community can decide (by consensus at a community meeting) to increase this number at any time for reasons such as increasing diversity, or helping meet other community goals.

Upon approval, this policy will remain in effect for one year, at which time it will be re-evaluated.

We have consensus on this as worded

Permission Re Documentary Filming Request

Is doing filming for video blog, wants to interview lois, perhaps film other parts of LAEV. Focusing on practical applications of sustainability in everyday life.


Ok for them to film lois (not exactly CM fodder) and we will decide about community participation at a later date

Membership Committee Report

See diagram at http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi/Returning_Members_Process

Types of changes made: In general, tried to make questions more open ended to evoke more words and get rid of any simple yes/no responses
Tried to take away judgmental aspect to questions
Reading of new questions out loud.
3->separate questions
Missed consensus question, need to have it somewhere, probably separate
Inner city? Need more details about what it means? Make question about inner city more open ended.
Lois asked about health. Indication of desire for different wording than Lois’ proposal. Perhaps ask if there are any issues that someone might want to make us aware of. How about medial conflicts with our lifestyle.
Dave expresses a disapproval of us being an enforcer of federal laws re: illegal drugs questions.

BVCLT timeline discussion

File IRS paperwork by Jan
Membership orientation and training September and November, membership meeting in Jan
LEED orientation, filing in Jan

Why is LEED part of this? Alligned with mission of BVCLT, also helps us with membership outreach and rcruitment


Neighborhood council election tomorrow Tuesday 7/17 from 2-8 pm at virgil middleschool
Juniper got fellowship for a year of research in Germany
Super supper Wednesday 7/18 for discussion with Hop and Adelila
Bulk buy finalization-talk to Ann
Julio B-day party july 28th
Wed 7/18 9am shared streets meeting
Livable places housing project open in Long Beach. Pass along to LB friends and relations.
Randy plays Mr. T’s Bowling Alley tomorrow night Tuesday
Friday 12:30 noon pershing square and then 7:30 pm somewhere harry park
Maybe Friday is definitely this Friday
Somer and Aurisha are back! Yay.


Good for first time facilitation
Sometimes not clear who was in charge (too many back seat facilitators)
Good board work, good integration of concepts
Unclear about filming proposal, could have been more clear what we were doing
Good celebrations of accomplishments
Yuki could have been more careful about clarifying vs convincing
Gracefully handled, beautiful shirt, Chris wants a date