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2007-07-09 Meeting

Monday, July 9, 2007

Community Meeting

Attendance: Lois, Lara(facilitating), Federico(taking notes), Yuki, Julio, Kay, Chris, Nikki, Beatrice, Thiago, Ron, Angel, Ann, Randy, Dave, Joe, Sam, Kay, Kevin

1. Water saving technique - by Yuki and Federico

2. Unit Availability Update - Federico
In parenthesis the person that used to live or is living at the unit - for reference-.

3. Notice: Nikki is requesting to move into 218. This is an announcement, it will be discussed and decided
during next meeting if there are not any other requests.

4. Request filming for “Living Life” - Lois
Introduction to the possibility of a media committee by Lois
- a lot of requests that are difficult to manage just for Lois, a committee that could meet, have role plays, discuss, might be a good idea. It will be discussed during the next meeting

5. Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust Bylaws Report. - Kay
News: The Community Land Trust is officially incorporated

-question: what is the stated mission of the CLT
refer to the bylaws
-question: what is the relationship between crsp, the coop and the clt?
in brief, once the organizations are officially formed CRSP will transfer the land to the CLT and
the buildings to the COOP under conditions that will be stated.
-question: how are decisions made?
Depends on the nature of the decision, between consensus, 2/3 majority, or simple majority
Initial board will be between 9 and 15 members divided into thirds.
-question: what is going to be the process for getting board members?
first you become a member of the land trust. then you can apply for being part of the board
-question: how to become a member?
There are two kinds of members, public members and lessee members. Members have the right to elect the board members, some decisions have to be ratified by members.
public members membership process: application, payment of dues for a year (about $35), 10 hours minimum of service or training.
-question: what’s the process for the community buy-off?
There is going to be a membership meeting and a vote.
-question: any controversial part that you need the community’s input?
The question of ratification by the community on ongoing operational decisions. There are a lot of ratifications on this CLT compared to other CLTs, this was done to “err on the side of community input”.

Recommendation to all: read at lest the 3 pages excerpted by Lara. There will be some special presentations before the meeting. The entire bylaws are on the wiki. The more you know the bylaws the more control you’ll have over the process.

6. Update on Membership Committee and Community Greenlight Document - Yuki
The Membership Committee has been working, among others on: Updating the questionnaire, a draft for the membership of ex-members and the orientation materials.

Community Greenlight explanation of Word Changes on paper based on input from last meeting. See document at http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi/Community_Greenlight
Consensus Reached on incorporating this document on the Membership Process.

4. household working limit for candidates- with a revisit date
question: how long does the process take?
candidate stage is 2 to 6 months
for people that have been on this process we’ll have some flexibility.
wording will be found and then it will come back to the community.

7. Leed Neighborhood Development - Lois
CRSP paid the $8000 registration. As soon as it is processed we’ll have access to the “templates” and the “credit interpretation request”. Everyone is encouraged to look at the templates once they are available. Meanwhile check out http://usgbc.org for more info. A team is also being assembled (talk to Lara or Lois if you want to join). A wiki page is in the works.
The strategy is to try to document things that have been done in the neighborhood and the buildings within 6 months because the project coordinators are more interested in short term possibility of certification projects.

question: what is the scope of the “Team of Players”?
To document and to request documentation in things that could be documented but are not in the templates.
question: the time frame changed between the last time it has been presented changed between 2 years and now it’s 6 months, it could interfere with our other projects.
When presented initially it was done with superficial knowledge, new things were discovered as research was done. Other people want to volunteer, there is not intention to take energy from our projects. People will have the opportunity to review as it goes along.
Additional information will be posted on the wiki. Questions will be taken.

8. Request Community Room for sat 7/28 4-8pm for Julio’s birthday
There are no conflicts.


- Bulk Buying deadline is this Wednesday the 11th. Money has to be in by sunday. ANN
- Two friends of Dave from new zealand around (Kevin and Kelly) DAVE
- New book by Diana Leaf Christian has just been released LOIS
- Street furniture articles LOIS
- Invitation to showing of AL Gore’s movie at eco-home, free, sat night the 14th.LOIS
- Upcoming Workshops for Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment see LOIS
- Friday at Noon, Farmlab, Presentation by the City Planning Commission about planning for more pedestri
- Ron out of town this weekend giving a Workshop. Andrew Gaines is going to be house siting. RON
- Green Affordable Housing Conference being organized by Ron, will be forwarded. RON
- Neighborhood Council elections on the 17 at virgil middle school. LOIS
- CBE campaign to stop power plants, one of them in Vernon, there is a hearing on friday to make a decision to greenlight these powerplants. Will be leaving from CBE office at 7am. Yuki will send an action alert for those who can’t attend.- BEATRICE
- Nikki going to New Jersey to Speak in a conference about addressing climate change.
- Shared Streets Meeting Jul 18th, 9 am in the lobby

individual opinions separated by periods:
good. efficient. long agenda, impressive job. good job. very efficiently run meeting, nice to see the stack and the bike rack, good visual reminders. great meeting. not easy to discuss dry bylaws but the conversation was good and the visuals were good. very good meeting. cool, uncomfortable by interaction between about mentioning the date of the elections. a lot aconplished. good visuals. good meeting. impressive to get so much done, it’s important to background some issues to remind people what it is. agenda on a different board works well, like the pee demonstration. so much stuff, uncomfortable with: be called on certain item; silence after certain issues might be about unspoken feelings.

Bike Rack

- Formation of a Media Committee - Lois
- Nikki’s decision for her request of unit 218 if there are not other requests.
- 4 household limit for membership process

Post Meeting Water Saving Brainstorm: