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2007-07-02 Meeting

7/2/07 Community Meeting

AttendingYuki? (Facil) Dave (Notes) Nikki, Lois, Julio Jr, Joe, Andrea, Federico, Lara, Chris,

Drainage problem-Can’t have current courtyard drainage and put in bulbout at same time due to grading issues
May be public and private issues/money necessary
Also need to deal with massive storm runoff.
Anyone interested in helping Joe and others plan for and deal with this, contact Joe

Welcome- CBE intern Beatrice – will be here for 5 weeks
Jenny-Sociology instructor at McGill?-Here talking and researching book on sustainabliltiy and communities

Thiago is gone, but he has written comments
Nikki comments about why she wants to be here
-excited about current and upcoming legal structures
-higher quality of life communities
-gardening – love affair with the nectarine tree
-really enjoy coming here
Dale question-Does she want to convert us to anything once she is here
-she wants us to smile more
Any hidden agenda?
-No, not really.
What about cliques? Can she struggle against them?
-She thinks so

Proposed Changed Text:

The greenlight step is not intended to be as rigorous as the membership
decision. Lack of information by some members (a concern such as “I don’t
really know this person”) is not sufficient to deny green light, but actual
negative experience with the person (such as “I have had a serious conflict
with this person”) could be. A positive sense of the community about the
applicant becoming a candidate is necessary to move forward.

Greenlight decisions may be requested by the applicant’s liaison or the
Bienvenidos Committee to be scheduled at a Community Meeting. The applicant
is expected to attend the meeting. The applicant must complete all the prior
steps before the greenlight is scheduled.

Pass back to community

Short Stay-Juniper’s friend Dave
Wants to stay in Juniper’s space in July
Dale suggests he only wears Juniper’s clothes
Started Masters program at CalState? LA
Master program in Orientation Mobility-Working with Visually impaired
Noted that short stays can’t apply for membership
Noted that asked to abide by house rules

Approved to sublet

Policy Decision-Making Language

Issue around archiving language
Suggested rewording of paragraph:

Policy Agreement Notification and Archiving Finalized policies will be
publicized and archived electronically and printed copies made available.
Policies that need to be observed by residents to be effective will be
printed and distributed. Archiving will be done in a manner consistent with
the current best practices established by the community. At the time of this policy approval, (July ’07) that means the policy will be listed on the wiki page for
agreements and placed in the Member’s Notebook.

Agree and consented upon

BVCLT Bylaws Discssion
Goal is for people to understand the structure of the Community Land Trust Bylaws

More to come….NEXT WEEK!

There is currently a provisional board

Food Coop Meeting Thursday at 8pm
Saturday-Randy plays show at Il Corral, along with Skyline Electric and others, starting 10ish
Thanks for helping with work party!!!
Welding on the 4th of july, in morning, lunchtime BBQ
Park(ing) day-Started in SF, take a parking space and turn it into a park-Alliance for Livable Places is trying to host. Friday 9/21 Steering committee needs bodies and energy. Deliver trees, grass, bench, via bike trailer www.parkingdayla.com
Julio in Hospital again
Party in Courtyard this Saturday (Dave’s housewarming and summer party)
Lois out of town July 11-19
Two neighborhood council candidates running! Need to campaign for them. Election is July 17th. Vote in person at Virgil middle school.
Nikki is leaving a booklet about the Sustainability conference she went to.
Anna will be leading Saturday morning hikes around LA. Saturday july 7th about wilderness survival. www.lamountains.com
Super supper Ann and Anna host, for Hop and Adelila, time TBA
Ann is about to start Medical school again, pediatrics rotation, she will be around less.
German film crew this 7/4-7/6. Let Lois know if you don’t want to be filmed.

Good meeting, Yuki rocks
Did remarkably well after just returning from US social forum.
Hair nicely washed
Perhaps might have been able to consense upon green light
Great board work, meeting flows well.
Great, easy presence.
Good amount of stuff.
Info for in process people about what the meeting will be about
Good time management
Quick membership decision, reflects well on our ongoing process
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy