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2007-04-15 Meeting

Membership committee meeting, Sunday April 15/2007
Community room 1:30pm
Attendace: Lara, Joe, Ann, Yuki, Federico (taking notes), Aurisha.

Fleshing Out the New Membership Process:

Tasks from last meeting reviewed:


This is a first step to talk about someone being a candidate.
We should be asking ourselves about being ready to make a commitement to a person and answer responsibly. It hasn’t been done. It hasn’t been clear in the past. There has been frustration. Be more conscious to be more fair to the prospective candidate.

question: what is the distinction between a community green light and a final decision?
answer: is about making sure we are ready to commit. to respect the prospective member’s time. if enough people felt is not a good thing maybe we shouldn’t do it. it’s about allocating energies and resources, and knowing our capacity. How many people can we engage in a meaningful way?

One issue we consider at the green light: what is our capacity.

There is some agreement in principle about the green light being a moment where we decide upon
someone becoming a candidate based on our capacity to interact in a meaningful way with a limited amount of people.
How to implement then?
What happens with the people that don’t get in? (do they enter a pool?)

question: What’s the basis for blocks/red lights?
A block at this point has to based upon community values. There could be blocks based
upon personal safety, comfort, investment on the community.
There needs to be a balance between personal comfort and discrimination.
LAEV values serve to judge a block.
This is a moment to adjust too. As in any other consensus based process.
The green light is more about potential.
Could we frame things in a positive way?
There is no need to be afraid of presenting the negative points (as in the “outcomes we don’t want” section) in a clear way.

question: do we need a provisional document about how the green light works in a meeting?
we would test it, it would include the desired and undesired outcomes.
It will say roughly what it will do. It will say what it is not. And allows people.
—> Joe is going to draft it and discuss and rewrite with Lara.

It would be cool to celebrate the affirmation.
We need a procedure.
No need to set the bar so high on green lights.
When we do the green light the clock starts.

Materials: ouline from esfandiar’s introduction
looks very theoretical. it might look better to teach examples.
it’s trying to draw attention on why it is important to gain these skills.
this is a different context and a way to adapt

question: if we had one hour to give an orientation what would that include?
we decided on the tree things:
- consensus
- respectful communication
- intro to intentional communities

It would be good to have a hand out. A 5 page to read before orientation.
We need an outline of this document. One page on each one of the subjects so any one in the community can give the orientation.
Go over the ground rules of meetings.
(they have never been consensed).
Maybe I.C is to broad. It could be Essay Help Online about LAEV more specific.

Next steps:

One page on Intentional Community by Yuki and federico.
One page on Respectful communication by Lara.
custom logo design
other desired documents:
intro to respectful communications
intro to intentional communities
intro to LAEV essay help