Membership Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 21. 8:30pm
Attendance: yuki, federico (note taking), dave, ann, lara, randy, aurisha, thiago
1. Revised Membership Process document (Yuki)
- Review raised concerns & revisions to address them and Make any further changes
- Lara will look for the original liason document
- Attendance of candidates to committees is to be decided upon individual cases (there are committees with non eco villagers open to everyone, i.e. garden committee, food coop)
- Will encourage participation in work related activities.
- Provisional Status: now we have month to month rental agreements. is it necessary to make a 6 month rental agreement? It could be linked to the process. Something to consider in the future. Bring to the community? It would be good to have a clause that we intend to specify the different process for the different kinds of members; what would be different for each case (mates, returning members, intentional neighbors -AKA nonresident intentional members - is this different).
- Who will present at next meeting?
Yuki - this is the third time officially presenting the document to the whole community.
2. Discuss Bienvenidos Committee Formation Proposal (aurisha)
Discussion and further changes.
Reviewed changes in the document drafted by aurisha. Aurisha discussed with Lois.
Discussion about protected classes, and how to insure that we are not discriminating. It helps to have a consistent criteria (that would help in any kind of legal situation). People don’t fell comfortable with the term “protected class”. Also, the first part of the process is to learn about the community, that would self select for people that only want to get an apartment.
“To ensure appropriate balance between owners and renters” - it doesn’t sound like the role of the bienvenidos committee since it doesn’t select.
A function of the committee, to maintain a demographics survey. As Lois was doing. Who should do it? Is the bienvenidos committee different than the membership committee?
This committee has several tasks since it merged several committees, and there are things to decide. So its different than the bienvenidos committee that has administrative functions, this one will continue on.
Mailing list for CRSP: to give people option to sign for the mailing list.
How contact is going to work:
- * Lara’s idea: to use the phone in the office with several voice mails that have information and that we can check.
Qualification - quality for members of the committee: it should be open to everyone. No need to delineate their profile.
Size: 3-5
Rotation: to be figured out
Lois offers support for the transition. - Who Will Present?
Will be posted as a draft with changes. so people can start reading.
3. Folksonomy: Tagging. Presentation from federico.
Next meeting within two weeks.
Not Discussed:
- Further Discussion of Participation Requirements and Tracking
- Stakeholder Document - Discussion Needed? Ideas for next meeting?
- Further Discussion of Rights and Responsibilities?